Just Us

This is a blog about Jeetu & myself...i know that seems so narcissist, but really - it just feels so good to write about "us"! We've been married for over a year now (D-day: 8th April, 2004), but we still have individual hysterical moments of 'i can't BELIEVE we're married' We're currently living in Hyderabad, India (pretty far from our friends & family) and continue to discover the ups & downs of being on our own, in a strange city:-)

My Photo
Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

I'm a thirty-something woman, married to the most wonderful man on Earth. He’s kind, understanding, generous & loving (and sorry girls - there's only one of him) My life, ofcourse, is dedicated to making HIS, miserable - just something us "women in their 30's" do!

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Tera mujh se hai pahle ka naata koi…

When you’re with me, I take you for granted… but when you’re away, I miss you every second. I miss your voice, your quiet gestures, your silent thoughtfulness, your boisterous laugh, your singing with the music, your arms around me, the love in your eyes… I miss it all. Please always know that I love you deeply and you mean the world to me. With you, I learnt about unconditional love. Our 2 years of close proximity have brought us closer. I feel more loved, and I love you more than ever. Thank you for bringing us together.. You are truly my soulmate Jeetu❤️


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